Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Construction Solutions
Our focus at Lateejay Nigeria Limited is to provide seamless solution to organizations by helping them meet their need and supply chain objectives.
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Oil and Gas Solutions Provider
About UsLateejay is an indigenous Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Construction (EPIC) and supply chain solutions provider established in 1988.
Our vision at Lateejay is to provide seamless solution to organizations by helping them meet their need and supply chain objectives. Our expertise and strong commitment to excellence in execution and delivery makes us the preferred partner as we offer our clients quality, delivering value to them across the supply value chain. Whatever the needs, we provide strong partnership as a supply chain service provider in outsourcing, manufacturing, engineering, and transportation.
Providing solutions to the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector, linking vital channels of each network together and providing a firsthand and constructive answer to so many impending problems at hand. LN limited creates an avenue for a proper dissemination of information ,and products and application of knowledge and technology to these problems, upstream to downstream creating unique solution at different facets while facing different challenges.
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ServicesAt Lateejay, our services are tailored to deliver seamless solutions to ensure our clients meet their need and supply chain objectives. Our services cut across Engineering, Construction, Cleaning, Drilling to mention a few.

Featured Projects
ProjectsOrbicular velvetfish yellowfin tuna aruana leatherjack trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish Kuhli loach kelpfish lookdown catfish cuchia Bengal danio flagblenny clown triggerfish common tunny baikal oilf.

We guarantee high quality
execution and delivery of your Projects
Whatever the needs, we provide strong partnership as a supply chain service provider in outsourcing, manufacturing, engineering, and transportation